Cryoskin by Adrian & Co.

CryoSlimming®, CryoToning®, & CryoFacials are now available at our beautiful spa.


Cryoskin is a revolutionary machine from Italy, which uses heat and cold to reduce inches and smooth skin. The technology is applied using a massage technique, which is painless and non-invasive. No suction, no surgery. Just incredible results. Call us today to schedule your consultation and session!

Don’t miss out on our newest device, Cryoskin! The Cryoskin device can treat the body and face and has 3 different modes: CryoSlimming® (reduce inches), CryoToning® (smooth skin), and CryoFacial (look younger). Look and feel your best!


Cryoskin BY ADRIAN & CO.

  • CryoSlimming®  --  $250 per session (6 sessions recommended)

  • CryoToning®  --  $250 per session (6 sessions recommended)

  • CryoFacials  --  $125 per session (6 sessions recommended)

We recommend a series of 6 sessions two weeks apart from each other.